Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Saigon - The War Remnants Museum

Some of the bombs the Americans used - the 500 ponder in the back caused a 3km radius of damage

North Vietnamese General Giap who vanquished both the French & the Americans.  He lived to 102

US jet
We learn from our guide that the Vietnamese attitude to American war and Americans in general is to let bygones be bygones.  So we head off to the War Remnants Museum which outlines the Vietnamese version of the war, complete with captured American tanks, aircraft and bombs.  The displays have graphic photos and descriptions of the battles, the wounded, use of agent orange and a whole section devoted to Western correspondents who died covering the war.

For the most part it's not over the top propaganda pap and history has proven the domino theory and the Gulf of Tonkin incident to be false.  They even had quotes from former US Senator Wayne Morse who points out how the Americans flaunted the Geneva conventions laid out when the French were vanquished.  Mercifully, this war is over and everyone can move on.

US tank

Big Huey helicopter

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